這是一系列時間軸很清楚的電影,1995年到2013年,從日出、日落到午夜,Jesse 和 Celine 從浪漫邂逅到一起生活,我們從他們的對話一起見證歲月伴隨著愛情與生活歷練的軌跡。
1995「Before Sunrise」~兩人2X歲, 在火車上邂逅,談著對愛情和未來的可能性充滿了憧憬,走在維也納,浪漫的度過一天,並決定不牽絆彼此,不留聯絡方式,約定6個月後在維也納重逢~
2004「Before Sunset」~兩人3x歲,原來分開6個月後並沒有相見, 卻在9年後巴黎書店的一場簽書會上重逢, 再次相見 , 彼此都不再像2x歲時那麼天真, 有了對人生的無奈與辛苦的歷練, 聊著過去與現在, 原來還是很吸引彼此,結局很耐人尋味~
2013「Before Midnight」~兩人4X歲,走過憧憬愛情的年少時光、經歷過漫長的等待,兩人終究是在一起了,還有了兩個孩子~只是,當年眼神迷濛,又慧詰聰明的文藝美少女Celine終究在柴米油鹽醬醋茶中,累積了大量的不滿,無可避免的成為嘮叨又神經質的中年婦女;當年俊俏的文藝青年Jesse也成了滿臉鬍子、有點邋遢且不太受到自己青春期孩子歡迎的中年大叔~
Jump ahead 10, 20 years, okay? And you're
married. Only your marriage doesn't have that same energy that it used to
have.You start to blame your husband. You think about all those guys you've met
in your life... and what might happened if you'd picked up with one of them.
Well, I'm one of those guys. That's me. So think of this as time travel... from
then to now to find out what you're missing out on. See, what this really could
be is a gigantic favor... to you and your future husband to find out that you're
not missing out anything. I'm just as big a loser as he is, totally
unmotivated, boring. And you made the right choice, and you're happy.
It's not so bad if tonight is our only
night, right? People exchange numbers, addresses. They end up writing once,
calling each other once or twice. Right. Fizzles out.
Why does everybody think relationships
should last forever, anyway? I mean, that tonight's our only night? It's the
only way, no? Well, all right. Let's do it. No delusions, no projections.
I guess when you're young , you just
believe there will be many people with whom you'll connect with. Later in life,
you realize it only happens a few times.
Even being alone...it's better than sitting
next to a lover and feeling lonely.
you know what? I'm just happy to see you.
Even if you've become an angry, manic depressive activist, I still like you, I
still enjoy being around you
Baby...you gonna miss that plane....
I know...
2013年我們終於等到Celine and
Jesse 實踐愛情,進入現實生活後的對話,就像世界上所有進入婚姻的夫妻一般不再夢幻,甚至充滿了互潑冷水及激烈爭吵;只是最終,Jesse對Celine的守護依然溫柔,在希臘的午夜,還是和好且準備再繼續忍受彼此,即使夢幻不再,但對於喜愛他們的影迷而言,並不失望,因為.....That's real life~
If you want true love, then this is it.
This is real life. It's not perfect but it's real. And if you can't see it then
you're blind.
Will you be able to put up with me for
another 56 years?
I am looking forward to it.
九年後,也許我們的老朋友Celine 和Jesse 鬢角都已斑白,不知道是不是還有機會能再看到兩人一來一往精彩幽默又充滿哲理的對話,從中體會他們的情感歷練和生命哲學?